
2015년 12월 29일 화요일

Gagné’s (1984) nine events of instruction and examples in the OLE

Table 4.
Gagné’s (1984) nine events of instruction and examples in the OLE

Gagné’s (1984) nine events of instruction
Examples in the OLE
Attention from the students
Images, videos, and cartoons can be used to get attentions from students
Notification of the objectives
Students could be informed of the objectives through a clear written form or a spoken language.
Recall of previous learning
Students previous learning in native culture and native language is recalled to learn target culture and target language.
Content presentation
Cultural content is provided through online courses. The content is delivered by tools or media such as Quizlet, Youtube, and images.
Learning guidance
Guidance to learning and tasks is provided through question and answer forum. In addition, the OLE has course progress bar that tells the learners what to take further.
Students’ performance
Students are supposed to speak and write in target language in the OLE.
Students are getting feedback about their activities through Voicethread and Google Drive
Students’ words activities, speaking activities, and writing activities are assessed to measure their learning outcomes.
Enhance and transfer
Review section and reflection section are given at the end of online courses.

Tools and media in an OLE according to task knowledge and cognitive processing level

Table 3.
Tools and media in an OLE according to task knowledge and cognitive processing level
Tools and media in the OLE
Task knowledge level 1
Task knowledge level 2
Task knowledge level 3
Task knowledge level 4
Task  knowledge  level 5
Cognitive processing level 1
Quizlet flash card and Quizlet Quiz
Quizlet phrase and expression card
Youtube watching and listening
Cognitive processing level 2
Words online quiz
Commenting in an OLE, Facebook, or Forum
Reading online article about target culture
Cognitive processing level 3
Sharing experience in Facebook or Forum
Cognitive processing level 4
Writing about native culture in Facebook or Forum

Talking about target culture through Vociethread
Finding information on the web and sharing it in Forum
Cognitive processing level 5
Talking about native culture through Voicethread
Writing about target culture in Facebook or Forum
Intercultural communication through Voicethread
Note: Adapted from "Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective". By Ertmer & Newby (2013). Performance Improvement Quarterlyp.62

Activities in OLEs according to task knowledge level and cognitive processing level

Table 2.
Activities in OLEs according to task knowledge level and cognitive processing level
Activities in the OLE
Task knowledge level 1
Task knowledge level 2
Task knowledge level 3
Task knowledge level 4
Task  knowledge  level 5
Cognitive processing level 1
Words flash card
Phrases flash card
Cognitive processing level 2
Word quiz
Phrase quiz
Target culture learning
Cognitive processing level 3
Sharing experience in Facebook
Talking about native culture
Cognitive processing level 4
Talking about native culture
Writing about native culture
Talking about target culture
Finding information on the web
Cognitive processing level 5
Writing about native culture
Writing about target culture
Intercultural communication
Note: Adapted from "Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective". By Ertmer & Newby (2013). Performance Improvement Quarterly, p.62

Types of Learning and examples in OLEs

Table 1. Types of Learning and examples in OLEs
Gagné (1965)’s Types of Learning
Examples in OLEs
Signal learning:
Pavlov’s conditioned response
Whole process of learning - words, expressions, listening, speaking, reading, writing
Stimulus-response learning:
Exact response to selected stimulus
Repeating pronunciation of words, words game in Quizlet
Connection of multiple stimulus-responses
Acquiring correct spelling of words through Quizlet and writing sentences in grammatical order of words
Verbal association:
Chaining in terms of language
Writing in forums in an OLE and speaking sentences with words and expressions given to them in an Voicethread activity
Multiple discrimination:
Showing different responses to various different stimuli resembling each other
Transferring native cultures to target cultures learning / Transferring knowledge of a native language to learn a new language
Concept learning:
Telling a whole class of objects from other things.
Learning rules of languages to form sentences in writing and speaking activity
Principle learning:
A link of multiple concepts
Learning systemized rules of languages to form sentences in writing and speaking activity; the rules are combined to a total language system.
Problem solving:
Using concept and principle to solve problems
Finding information on website written in target language and performing problem solving tasks such as using public transportation and ordering sandwiches.
Note: Adated from “Principles of language learning and teaching”. By Brown, H. D. (2007). White Plains, NY : Pearson Longman, c2007, pp. 100-101.

Design Map of OLEs to Teach English Online with Cultural Content

Figure 1. Design map of OLEs to teach English online with cultural content