
2015년 12월 29일 화요일

Types of Learning and examples in OLEs

Table 1. Types of Learning and examples in OLEs
Gagné (1965)’s Types of Learning
Examples in OLEs
Signal learning:
Pavlov’s conditioned response
Whole process of learning - words, expressions, listening, speaking, reading, writing
Stimulus-response learning:
Exact response to selected stimulus
Repeating pronunciation of words, words game in Quizlet
Connection of multiple stimulus-responses
Acquiring correct spelling of words through Quizlet and writing sentences in grammatical order of words
Verbal association:
Chaining in terms of language
Writing in forums in an OLE and speaking sentences with words and expressions given to them in an Voicethread activity
Multiple discrimination:
Showing different responses to various different stimuli resembling each other
Transferring native cultures to target cultures learning / Transferring knowledge of a native language to learn a new language
Concept learning:
Telling a whole class of objects from other things.
Learning rules of languages to form sentences in writing and speaking activity
Principle learning:
A link of multiple concepts
Learning systemized rules of languages to form sentences in writing and speaking activity; the rules are combined to a total language system.
Problem solving:
Using concept and principle to solve problems
Finding information on website written in target language and performing problem solving tasks such as using public transportation and ordering sandwiches.
Note: Adated from “Principles of language learning and teaching”. By Brown, H. D. (2007). White Plains, NY : Pearson Longman, c2007, pp. 100-101.

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